Stim cu totii ca este foarte greu sa te descurci in viata fara a cunoaste limba engleza. Viitorul este online si este in engleza, de aceea copii trebuie pregatiti de acum. Fara acces la engleza practic ei nu au acces la marea parte a informatiilor aflate online, ceea ce le impiedica dezvoltarea si ii face necompetitivi pe piata muncii. Ajuta-i sa avanseze in viata.
Putine firme mai sunt integral romanesti, astfel incat in cariera te lovesti de multe ori de situatii in care trebuie sa vorbesti cu managementul sau cu un client important venit in Romania in Engleza.
Necunoasterea limbii engleze este practic un plafon in dezvoltarea carierei, fara ea nu poti ajunge intr-o functie de conducere.
Stim deja ca atunci cand sunt mici, copiii au cea mai mare capacitate de a asimila o limba straina. Le este foarte usor pentru ca ei folosesc un alt sistem decat adultii, bazandu-se pe un alt tip de memorie.
Acest curs se adreseaza:
Cand | In perioada | Program | Numar total Ore | Trainer |
In fiecare joi | 6 saptamani | 18:00-20:30 | 15 | Cristina Munteanu |
Copiilor le este mult mai usor sa invete limbi straine, de aceea ajuta-i sa deprinda limba engleza cat mai din timp.
Despre trainer:
Cristina Munteanu are o experienta de peste 15 ani in predarea limbii engleze, atat studentilor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 8-18 ani, cat si adultilor. Numarul mare al studentilor care au obtinut certificate Cambridge KET, PET, FCE, CAE si IELTS reprezinta dovada competentei si implicarii totale in predarea limbii engleze. De asemenea, obtinerea locului al doilea doi ani consecutiv la concursul european Europe@School unde a fost profesor coordinator de proiect este o alta dovada a implicarii si a muncii in echipa cu studentii liceului respectiv in proiecte interesante.
Materialele de care vor avea nevoie la curs:
Suportul de curs are la baza manualul StartUP al editurii Pearson-Longman sau alte manuale ale editurii Cambridge University si Oxford Press University.
Vocabulary -Meet and greet, say hello and good bye, occupations, things in an office, countries
Grammar – Verbs be/ need/ have, the articles, personal pronouns
Speaking – Introduce yourself & others; talk about things in an office
Listening – Listen to an advertisement about things in an office
Reading- Read contact information
Writing – Write contact information
Vocabulary – Family relationships, relationships at work, describing people
Grammar – Verbs be/ need/ have in negative and questions with what and who, yes/no questions
Speaking – Asking about family members, talk about family, talk about places where family can live
Listening – Conversation about family
Reading – Read about someone’s family
Writing – Write about your family
Vocabulary –Places and rooms in the home, neighborhood, buildings
Grammar – Adjective + noun placement, place prepositions, There is/there are
Speaking – Describe your home & neighbourhood
Listening – Listen to a phone conversation about the house
Reading – Read an advertisement for rent an apartment
Writing – Write your own advertisement for renting a house or apartment
Vocabulary –Ways to connect, words for getting around town
Grammar – The numeral, prepositions of time, time, seasons, months
Speaking – Ask about events, ask for and give directions, ask the time
Listening – Listen to directions to the restaurant
Reading – Read about holiday
Writing – Write about a place you would like to go to
Vocabulary – Weather, clothes,
Grammar – Regular and irregular plural of nouns
Speaking – Ask about weather, size and prize for clothes
Listening – Weather forecast
Reading – Read messages about the weather
Writing – Describe your favourite season
Vocabulary – Free time activities, interests
Grammar – Simple present, yes/no questions, wh- questions
Speaking – Talk about music, interests, free time activities
Listening – Listen to someone who is talking about free time activities
Reading – Read a member profile
Writing – Write about your favourite free tome activity
Vocabulary – Food and restaurant, vegetables and fruit
Grammar – Countable and uncountable nouns, how much/how many, some/any
Speaking – Talk about food, order in a restaurant, use polite expressions
Listening – Conversation in a restaurant
Reading – Read a restaurant review
Writing – Write about your favourite dish
Vocabulary – Places in a hotel and in a city, personal care items
Grammar – Like, want , need+infinitives, can, may , must
Speaking – Talk about hotel situations (booking a room, ask about reservations)
Listening – Listen to a phone conversation regarding a booked room
Reading – Read about booking a room at the hotel
Writing – Write a dialogue about booking a room at the hotel
Vocabulary – Describe things, technology, daily activities
Grammar – Present continuous, this/that/these/those, adverbs of frequency
Speaking – Talk about what you are doing and daily activities
Listening – Listen about stress
Reading – Read about computers and smart phones
Writing – Describe a photo of a person using technology
Vocabulary – Weekend activities, vacation activities
Grammar – Simple past with be, used to
Speaking – Describe your weekend, talk about past activities
Listening – Listen to a radio show about vacation
Reading – Read about a vacation abroad
Writing – Write about your weekend
Oferim cursuri din 2011 si o facem cu pasiune. Sutele de feedback-uri pozitive obtinute de-a lungul anilor sunt dovada ca am gasit o formula apreciata de a preda.
Multumim tuturor celor peste 1500 de cursanti care ne-au ales serviciile si ne-au permis astfel sa facem lucrurile care ne pasioneaza si sa ne dezvoltam.
Te asteptam sa descoperi si tu experienta si beneficiile cursurilor noastre.